The Anglican Church Traditional

The Anglican Church of Virginia is the
archdiocese of for a worldwide communion of
traditional Anglican bishops. They have come
together under a simple name known as The
Anglican Church. The various dioceses have a
variety of names but they all have in common
the ancient and traditional worship as contained
in the Book of Common. Communion.
Affiliation is simple and to the point. They all
agree to the Anglican Church of Virginia’s
statement of beliefs contained in the
Declaration of Principles and the Affirmation
of St. Louis. There is a bold plan for the
amalgamation of Anglican Church Dioceses.
New web site for posting of training aids
and educational guides for the
traditional Anglican Faith.
Visit. Site under construction.

Sister Sara Mary

Holy Redeemer Anglican Church vestry has made history. Under the
leadership of their Rector, the Ven. Dr. Ralph Gardiner, they have
purchased the church building they have been meeting in for the past
seven years. This is indeed historic in the development of our diocese.
They are to be congratulated for this accomplishment. Holy Redeemer
is located at Montross, Va. Contact information is in our directory page
of parishes. Father Gardiner is a retired Navy veteran honored
numbers of times during his service years. Last year the Bishop
awarded him the St. Paul Medal for his courage and leadership in the
founding of Holy Redeemer. He is a well known as a leader in
Virginia especially relative to his work with incarcerated veterans.

News of the Community of Compassion.
Sister Sara MacAdam has assumed responsibilities for the Community of
Compassion as the new a Prioress. She is now laying plans for her new
position and leadership role in the COC. Sister resides in Pontiac, MI and
is a life long Anglican bringing wonderful experience to the Community.
Those wishing to receive more information may soon be able to contact
her directly.
Please keep the COC and Sister in prayer.

The Mission of our Church.
The first goal of the Church is to lead men and women to Christ in order
that they may be Saved and the second is to carryout the Great
Commission of taking Christ to the World. The Anglican Faith since its
beginning has done this. What we seek to do in Virginia, the United
States and around the World is to offer a Faith that is true to the Bible
and based upon the Faith of Christ and the Apostles
We in Virginia are committed to mission outreach, education and
bringing the Saving Grace of Christ to His people through the
Sacraments. In Virginia we are focusing on the Shenendoah Valley and
are establishing missions and parishes. You do not have to be an
Anglican or born into an Anglican family but we are seeking men to
serve as priests and readers and families to establish parishes. We want
women to teach the children and families.
– Larry W. Johnson, Bishop
About Us and the Anglican Way.
Where ever the Traditional Anglican Faith is practiced it provides the ROCK
in the storms of life. It appeals to those who desire to serve God beyond
themselves and to bringing Christ to all God’s people.

Where it is practiced it brings order to chaos. It brings healing to the broken
and salvation to the sinner and lost. But, it is the order and call to duty that
is the overriding quality that we learn. Anglicans are strong in Jesus and
when after picking up their Cross they unfailingly follow Him.
IF you are seeking to join us and to work hard for Christ Call us or email.
We will assist in every way possible to bring you into an Anglican Church or
mission. We pray for continuing Anglican bishops with whom we may unite
the continuing movement.

Read the Plan for Unitas concerning this goal.

Who are the Anglicans?

Who are we? We are followers of Jesus Christ. Our faith is
an ancient one dating back to the times of Jesus and His
Apostles, predating Rome. Our history is traced to the
British Isles beginning according to the ancient historians
when Joseph of Arimathea visited his tin mines at
Glastonbury, England bringing the Holy Grail. Joseph was
the man who gave his tomb to Jesus to be buried. The first
written mention of Christians in Britain is by Tertullian about
200 AD. He writes of “parts of Britain, inaccessible to the
Roman, which had yet been conquered by Christ.” Origin
writes forty years later that in Britain are “Christians to be
found.” Evident is abundant confirming this in
archaeological discoveries. Our faith was first brought to
Roanoke Island on the Outer Banks of North Carolina (USA)
in 1587. This colony would become the “Lost Colony.” In
1607 Anglicans would settle the first permanent Colony at

The Cornerstones of Our Faith.

The Holy Bible, the Word of God, unchanged
and unchanging forms our foundation, sets our
boundaries and gives us an understanding of
Him and His relationship to us.

The traditional 1928 Book of Common Prayer is
our guide to our Spiritual growth strengthening
our Anglican life as Christians and directing our
Bible study and daily prayers. It provides a sure
path in our relationship with Jesus Christ. Our
daily prayers said from the Book of Common
Prayer keeps us in a strong relationship with
Jesus, and points the Way to God protecting us
from the temptation of Satan and the world.

The 1940 Hymnal contains our praise and
worship music which we use. It does not allow
man’s interpretation to lead us astray. While
modern music may be beautiful to hear we are
very careful in selecting what brings man to God
for the sanctification of the Soul.

In a stormy sea of change.

We are a rock during these unsettled times. We represent a new Anglican Communion called the Anglican Church International Communion.
We are not a part of the Episcopal Church, nor the Church of England. We have made significant progress and invite those who of not only
preserving, but expanding our faith handed down to us by Cranmer, Riley, Latimer and Laud: all who gave their lives for our Anglican Faith.

Our Mission is simple: reach souls for Jesus.

We are a Church serving Anglicans of Virginia and around the world to worship in the tradition of men like George Washington and other founders of our
Nation. We continue the Faith first brought to our shores and established by Captain John Smith and the Rev. Robert Hunt who came to Jamestown Island
in 1607. We use only the traditional 1928 Book of Common Prayer taken from the original 1549,1552 and 1559, Thomas Cranmer’s Books of Common
Prayer. We are growing and want to assist you in forming a parish. The new Anglican Seminary of Virginia is educating men for the priesthood. And seeks
men called to His ministry.

Issues Confronting the Anglican Church Worldwide.

1. This article, The Role of Women in the Anglican Church, has been
heralded as a significant article in the discussion of the woman in the
Anglican Church.

The role of the women in the Anglican Church has been a major issue
that has divided the church in the United States. Bishops not holding to
the traditional faith and allowing women to become priests and letting
men off the hook as to their responsibilities is presneted in this article.
Read this article and learn what the issues are and what “real” Anglican
women and men must do. Read why the traditional churchmen, both
women and men, must restore the Biblical precepts of the roles of men
and women in God’s Holy and Apostolic Church. Click and Read “The
Role of the Woman in the Church” by Sondra and Larry Johnson.

2. This article, The Role of the Priest or Traditional Worship vs.
Heresy and Witchcraft.
Click and Read
Abandonment of the historic role of the priest is the major reason we
find the Church losing influence, membership dropping; people not
looking to the Church for guidance, moral standards for living, and
comfort in the trying times in which we live. The Church of God must
have a new, dedicated tough minded priest who loves Christ and is
Jesus Christ to the people. When he steps to the Altar he must know
it is Christ who brings the Power. In the pulpit the priest must be on
fire for the Lord; unafraid of man but in awe and fear of God. It is the
Souls of his congregation that are at risk and his own! His Cure shall
and must be saved.” +L. Johnson, Bishop